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  • Writer's pictureIvan Ćorić

Chalange of remote teams on project

The office as co-working space is past, some say, but companies are getting bigger and bigger, and open spaces as company area concept are getting more open, wider and if you ask me, more annoying, I like to work in silence. Generally, the assumption is wrong that home offices will be absolute future, and the utopian idea that all of us will work remotely, is just not true, but of course, there will be more and more remote working teams in industries where this approach is compatible. My personal experience is that the goal driving is most important, and I worked on some of the remote projects more passionately and dedicatedly that on any office 9 to 5 work.

So here on this blog, I want to set idea around the goal driving force in team, and how geographical distance would be irrelevant, also I will focus on the Software Development industry. I had the luck to work with excellent Project Managers on every remote job I had, and I know it is a big sacrifice from their side, one of them I would highlight now, was online for almost all day, managing tasks. Also, in my opinion, being honest is important, no matter are you working in the office or remote, but finally, office job can be easy to control. Let's focus on this perspective, remote working software development is literally the job market without borders, and that gives more opportunity to works on the project you like. If I do not have a chance to work on such a project locally, I can find a similar project on the internet. In the case of Testera, we did not have a chance to work in any company together and we are getting along working or learning, so we got to a new challenge, working as a team in office but remotely for the client. The main challenge could be synchronization and it can be resolved by good micromanagement. The team needs to have clear tasks, then daily (and longer period points) milestones, and of course excellent communication.

In the end, we are social beings, so gathering in physical tribes are not going to disappear soon. Remote working will become more advanced and sophisticated, for sure, and all the obstacle that we have today will be less annoying or disappear, I hope.


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