Start with why, External Testing is helping companies to focus on their core mission, to realize their idea of creating product they plan and to left to company like Testera to make testing.
Regardless is your company big or small by numbers
You should always have external testing. For example if your company is a startup counting 10 to 20 persons and you have only developers, maybe project managers and business analyst, bad practice is to force BA or PM to do testing, or developers to do it (they will mainly done unit testing).
As a big company you can afford QAs, and I suggest as additional layer, you should have external testing. If you are company not having development as core product, than is especially important if you outsource developments of application for your needs, to also outsource testings of that application from other source.
Compare other parts of delegating externally
Just remind your self does IT companies use external HR? Human Resources companies provide you with key services: finding (or filtering) for you quality applicants for future employee, and quality and efficient selection process, so you do not take off time and focus from main business. Also another comparison, your users are also external in one way and they are looking at your product with different eyes than you do. External testing will provide you with similar perspective and, additionally, on much professional level.
What about recording and documenting test results?
Documentation is the job a lot of people consider boring and energy drying. But on the other hand, documentations, especially good on, will save you time, boost efficiency and provide chronological overview of all project milestones.
Should you be concerned or worried when thinking about external testing?
Main concern is security, should you involve stranger to your project, but I also thing, probably there are more hidden reasons I can not guess.